Click on the picture from Reding Farms below to go to Google Maps and get directions to Chickasha, Oklahoma. Then follow the directions below. If you have any problems finding Reding Farm, please call us
OPENS SEPT. 29th 2017!
Look for directions to Red Silo Productions at Reding Farm. Once you get to Chickasha, take Hwy 62, which is Choctaw Avenue. Go to 9th Street and turn North. Stay on 9th St. until you reach Reding Road (this will be the end of the road). Look for the red road sign (Reding Road or County Route 1340)! The Maize wil be located one block east of 9th St. Look for the red silo!
For a printable version of directions and a local map, click here.

©2017 Red Silo Productions, LLC at Reding Farm All Rights Reserved
Photo in header compliments of Gina Zhidov,